Author: admin


Now Hiring 2022-2023 Season


We are currently on the look out for drivers for the upcoming season.

Are you passionate about agricultural and machinery?

Enjoy working in a team environment?

Have great communication and book keeping skills?

If so we would like you to join our team

October to May (full season positions)

October to mid December (part season positions)

We are looking for A grade operators to join our fun team and operate our modern machinery.
We run the latest European machinery and GPS systems, servicing the Taranaki area.

Apply by email only


Helping out Egmont Honey

Proud to help out Egmont Honey in the summer moving bee hives to native Manuka bush inland South Taranaki.
Egmont Honey are a local business based out of Hawera and they are putting 100% into it producing some of the best honey in the world!
This video is awesome and the very reason we love calling Taranaki home.
Visit there Web page, you never know you might end up with some Taranaki Honey in your kitchen.